Senin, 28 Januari 2013

Favorite Fashion to a Wedding Party

Some friends ask me, how is my fashion while going to a wedding party.. Soo in this post, I will share my favorite dress...........

This is my flower blue long dress.. I always mix this dress with my dark blue cardigan and cala scraft..

I also love my head accecoris, its make a simple style of hijab more lux...

aand my bag.. my mom gave me and she has the same model but different colour

I wear that accesoris in two ways but in the same of hijab style..

aaannd this is my shoooes

Selasa, 08 Januari 2013


My 021112

Thank youuuu for my GANK BEKASI that came sooo late night.. LOVE YAAAA ({})

aaand another surprise from AiSI.. They hide my wallet :"" but I can't be tricked.. buuuttt soo thankyouuu for the surprise

Ka Noke's Surprise

As usual, AiSI held surprise for Ka Nokee...

Ka(Dek) Aqsa's Burger Cake...

So funny that we prepare the burger as the birthday caaake...

Finally, AiSI ate at HANAMASA

After the demisioner :"""" We celebrate at Hanamasa So saaadd that Nadya can't join with us.

My another activity except STUDY!

Daurah Awal Fakultas SAMUDERA 2012

This event is to prepare the next moslem generation in FKG UI. I was a exchequer but honorably I get the opportunity to be a mediator of Hijab Sharing with my other friend, Latifolia Hidayati.

Open House FKG UI 2012. Be Bold, Be You, Be a Dentist

This event is sooo success!! This event is to introduce FKG UI to senior high school student at around Jakarta. Theres no a lot of photo because I'm in Art and Documentation Division.

Jakarta Islamic Scientific Forum (JISFO) 2012

This event was held by 3 Faculty of Dentistry from University of Indonesia, University of Trisakti and University of Moestopo. This event consist of Seminar and Hands On. We held it at Auditorium Room Gd.B University of Trisakti. As usual, I get the Publication and Documentation Division.. Theres some "narsis" photo with some friends

Day 1

and I try to wear Headband from Moshaict...

Day 2

Latihan Kepemimpinan dan Managerial Mahasiswa 2012

This event is to prepare bacth 2012 as the regenerasion for the next BEM FKG UI.. The closing event we held at Suharti Restaurant at Rawamangun..

This Semester

This semester is so hard! :''' but alhamdulilla I can past it.
In this semester, I learned about conservation. This block describe about the procedur and how to return the anatomy of tooth perfectly. 

Different with concervation, endodontic is learned about the pulp and periapical disease. in this block we learned about anastetic too.

aaand this is the tools for the practice