Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

The Little Thing She Needs

This block on 3rd Semester is sooo make me busy and under pressure.. Its about Conservation. #forgetit

I wanna share about a little event what I spen with my Friends and Family


go to that place with my cousin.... Sooo Exicted to spend a whole day with themm

Up: Teh Tia, Me, Teh Widaad, Teh Mala, Teh Rani, Teh Nida, Hylda, Teh Ilma, Ami
Down: Dias, A Modi, Eep, A Luthfi, A Kiki, A Faruq, Irfan, A Yasir

those day, i didnt think that i must wear a throuser.. many of my friends know that i usually wear a skirt... soo i was soo confused.. but sooo lucky that my sister brought another throuser sooo she lend me it yeaayy...
the second problem is... is the throuser suitable to my batwing shirt...??? alhamdulillaaaah it is suitable..

So much fun we got darrll.. i hope we'll spend much time next timee #bighug

SAMUDERA 2012 at Qaddafy Islamic Centre, Sentul Selatan, Bogor.

it such a islamic boarding event for the new family muslim in FKG UI.. they are FKG UI 2012.. in this event im a treasure.. but I also performed as moderator in Hijab Class.. \(^o^)/ As the source is Ipol and the instructure is Buan and Keke.. because of the photo already tagged yet, i only have one photo

Me, Ipol, Shinta, Nisa, Satshi


Her birthday is actually on September 30th 2012.. but we surprise her on October 2nd 2012!! and one of the funniest thing is we eat almost the cake withuout the plate (eat directly hihihi) and we eat 2/3 x 20x20 until sooo fully!

Ka Aqsa, Ka Noke, ME,Nadya, BIRTHDAY GURL, Ka Ibas

Maybee only this that i can share.. see you next Post.. Insyaallah the Next Hijab Tutorial....
